Last Day of the building report:
Today the last things had to be done.
At first the high start hook was milled into the skid, that you can see on picture 1.
At the end of the right wing I drilled a hole for the antenna. Now all components were
placed in the wing and with the delivered CG tool I measured the CG. For this procedure
you place the CG tool with its sharpened dowels into the indexed holes and place the
components till the wing is in balance. You don't need addional weight.
Spoken, done. Let's go on with the adjustments of the ailerons. Here I've taken the
manufacturers advice as followed:
Aileron: +9mm -6mm (with DIFF)
Elevator: +/- 7mm(with EXPO)
In the end the weight levelled out at 1420 gram. That's a bit more than the
manufacturers particulars of about 1350 Gramm. The difference lies partly in the higher
weight of the accu and on the other side I have used to much painting. But I'm under the
maximum of 1500 gram, which should not be exceeded, so described by the manufacturer.
On the following pictures you can see the detailed painting of the canopy(Airbrush). Looks
What I need now is good weather for the maiden flight.
In future more about the flight results with hopefully positive outcome.
I hope you have had pleasure to accompany me during my work.
See you later Toni  |