Horten Vc

Building and flight report of Horten Vc from Engel Modellbau & Technik


Day 1

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Day 2:

The next step was to look for the ailerons. First I put in the twisted cable with the help of a small tube, at which I glued the cable with CA.

After soldering the cables(servo side), I cut out a double-sided tape with a circlecutter for the servos in the servo boxes.

As you can see on the 3rd and 4th picture, I decided to take a purchased servo cover. Meanwhile I have prepared a slot in the ailerons for the fibreglass rudder horn. At this connection you have to pay attention to the exact height and angle of the two rudder horns, because you don't get the same rudder throw. I have glued the sanded horns with 5 min epoxy resin. That's strong enough!!

Into the motor cowlings I glued the motor formers with thick CA. But before you should sand the place where the former is positioned. Be aware, that the former is plie flat in the cowlings, because you can reach motor down thrust and/or motor side thrust. Shouldn't be!!

On the last picture you can see the exposed cooling slots and mounting holes. The raw work I have done with a small milling machine, the fine work with a small file.

So, that's enough for today. Till next time. Perhaps tomorrow??>

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Horten Vc
Horten Vc
Horten Vc
Horten Vc
Horten Vc